|RTD| |License| |Issues| |PDF_Latest| .. _INSTALL_MAIN: ************************************************************************ Downloading and Creating your own Paper ************************************************************************ **Author**: `Victor Calderon `_ (`victor.calderon@vanderbilt.edu `_) **Description**: An easy, reasonably standardized, but flexible template for creating paper for the `Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical society `_ .. contents:: Table of Contents :local: .. _install_requirements: ============================================ Requirements to use `cookiecutter` templates ============================================ The minimum rquirements for creating `cookiecutter` templates are: - Python 2.7 or 3.5 - `Cookiecutter Python package `_ >= 1.4.0: This can be installed with `pip` or `conda` depending on how you manage your Python packages. You can install it by typing this on the terminal .. code-block:: bash pip install cookiecutter or via Anaconda: .. code-block:: bash conda config --add channels conda-forge conda install cookiecutter Now you can use `cookiecutter` to create new templates for projects and papers! .. _creating_new_paper: ===================== Creating a new Paper ===================== After having done the steps in :ref:`install_requirements`, you can start creating the skeleton for the new MNRAS paper. To start a new paper, run: .. code-block:: bash cookiecutter https://github.com/vcalderon2009/MNRAS_Cookiecutter This will prompt you to answer a few questions like: Next, it will prompt you for some answers. The different prompts are: +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ |Question | Description | +============================+===============================================+ |:code:`author_first_name` | Author's first name. :code:`author_first_name`| | | will be used for the *title* of the paper | | | | | | Examples: | | | | | | * Adam | | | * Rose | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ |:code:`author_last_name` | Author's **last** name. :code:`last_name` | | | will be used for the *title* of the paper | | | | | | Examples: | | | | | | * Calderon | | | * Piscionere | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ |:code:`author_name` | Author's first name. :code:`author_name` | | | will be used for the *title* of the paper | | | | | | Examples: | | | | | | * Adam Sanchez | | | * Rose Roserberg | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ |:code:`author_email` | Author's first name. :code:`author_email` | | | will be used for the *title* of the paper | | | | | | Examples: | | | | | | * some_email@gmail.com | | | * another_email@yahoo.com | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ |:code:`author_affiliation` | Name of the department. | | | Should **not** have '_' (underscores) symbols | | | | | | Examples: | | | | | | * Vanderbilt University | | | * Some other University | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ |:code:`paper_title` | Title of the thesis. Should not have '_' | | | symbols in it. | | | | | | Examples: | | | | | | * Understanding Exoplanets and Other Sources | | | * The Clustering of Galaxies on the | | | Smallest Scales Across Cosmic Time | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ |:code:`paper_pubyear` | Year of the publication. Must be numeric. | | | | | | | | | Examples: | | | | | | * 2018 | | | * 2017 | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ |:code:`repo_name` | Name of the directory/repository, | | | paper will be saved. | | | This name is selected by default, but can be | | | changed. This field | | | *should not contain spaces* | | | | | | Examples: | | | | | | * Calderon_Victor_Astro_PhD_Thesis | | | * Szewciw_Adam_Astro_PhD_Thesis | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ |:code:`github_username` | Author's Github username. This will be use to | | | link to the paper to the Github repository. | | | | | | Examples: | | | | | | * username | | | * username2018 | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ |:code:`github_project` | Name of the project on Github | | | | | | Examples: | | | | | | * Awesome_Paper_username_2018 | | | * Another_awesome_paper | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ |:code:`open_source_license` | Type of License for the paper. Without this, | | | one cannot use any of. | | | | | | Options: | | | | | | * MIT | | | * BSD 3-Clause | | | * GNU GPL v3+ | | | * Apache Software Licence 2.0 | | | * BSD 2-Clause* | +----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+ .. _using_template: ===================== Using the Template ===================== Now that one has answered the questions from :ref:`creating_new_paper`, you just need to fill in the documents in the ``Section_files`` directory according to your project's needs. The structure of the finalized project can be found in the :ref:`proj_structure` section. .. _uploading_overleaf: ================================== Uploading your Project to Overleaf ================================== Once you have completed setting up your paper, and are ready to start the writing process, you can upload your paper to `Overleaf `_. Overleaf, as explained on their website, is: .. epigraph:: Overleaf is a free service that lets you create, edit and share your scientific ideas easily online using LaTeX, a comprehensive and powerful tool for scientific writing. -- Overleaf Team For a more in-depth tutorial on how to use `Overleaf `_, you can visit `Overleaf Tutorial `_ and watch the attached video. .. raw:: html
.. _steps_overleaf: -------------------------------------------------- Steps to follow to upload your project to Overleaf -------------------------------------------------- In order to upload your project to Overleaf, you need to follow the following steps: - Compress the output of ``cookiecutter`` template to a ``zip`` file. - Create an account on Overleaf. Go to `Overleaf Sign-up `_ - Create a **new, empty** "New Project" - Click on **"Upload Project"** - **Drag and drop** or click on **Select a .zip file** - Connect your `Mendeley `_ account. Open one if you don't have one. This will link your bibliography with Overleaf. See more `here `_ - Remove the current 'Mendeley.bib' file from the project tree - Click on "New file" > "From Mendeley" and name it **Mendeley.bib** and put it in the *root* directory of the project. For a brief video on how to do this, see the following video: .. raw:: html
**And now you have a new, working MNRAS paper** You can start writing now! .. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Project based on the `modified `_ version of the `MNRAS LaTeX Template `_. .. |Issues| image:: https://img.shields.io/github/issues/vcalderon2009/MNRAS_Cookiecutter.svg :target: https://github.com/vcalderon2009/MNRAS_Cookiecutter/issues :alt: Open Issues .. |RTD| image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/mnras-cookiecutter/badge/?version=latest :target: https://mnras-cookiecutter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest :alt: Documentation Status .. |License| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg :target: https://github.com/vcalderon2009/MNRAS_Cookiecutter/blob/master/LICENSE :alt: Project License .. |PDF_Latest| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/PDF-Latest-orange.svg :target: https://cdn.rawgit.com/vcalderon2009/MNRAS_Cookiecutter/777d6518/docs/documents/MNRAS_output_example.pdf :alt: PDF Latest